Saturday, December 21, 2013

A New Friend

I was recently contacted by a remarkable woman named Heather. She is a cancer survivor trying to get the word out that with hope the odds can be beat in the fight against cancer. At first I was skeptical...what does she want, is she selling something? I had never had a comment on my blog from a stranger before. As I skimmed over her blog though, I realized she had a genuine motive and that is to give hope and reach out to others who might find themselves in the same situation as she was. You see, Heather was diagnosed with Mesothelioma just 3 months after the birth of her first child. She was given 15 months to live. I cannot imagine what that would be like. She had so much to live for, so she looked for a way to beat the odds and she succeeded! As a mother I know how much love a mother has for her child and the hopes and dreams that we have for our children's' future. I relate to her struggle to find a way and do anything it takes to get better. It was a risk I'm sure, to go out and find the right doctor. I don't know if I would be able to do that. But being as blessed as I am with so many loving family members I'm sure I would have the support I needed to conquer even something as daunting as a terminal cancer diagnosis. Thanks to my friends and family who support and love me despite my many flaws. I love you. You can read Heather's story at

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