Saturday, December 13, 2008

Puzzle Fun

The Simpsons! Yes, we watch. This was our little family project this week. It was just a fun thing to do together to relax. We wanted to make sure the pieces were all there after a spill. Turned out there were only two pieces of 1,000 missing. It was hard to do because you can't just look for a specific color like you might with a mountain or ocean scene, it's so colorful, we had to pick out the faces and go from there. It was funny to realize how well we know the characters. We'd recognize Apu's hair or the Monorail guy's suit. It was a fun project for us to do and as Christmas gets closer I need more and more reasons to procrastinate sending out my Christmas cards and wrapping presents.

1 comment:

PamNoyes said...

Hey you must not have procrastinate too much, I got a card today! Thanks for keeping up with us. I admit I will not be sending out cards this year, too lazy, please forgive me!
BTW it kills me to see how big Laurel is! I know Angeline will get that big too, but it is fun to see that she is so tiny like Laurel was. They grow too fast, huh?