Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Fun

We enjoyed a wonderfully Happy Halloween this year. I'm sure it will be one we will remember always! We got to go Trick-or-treating at our favorite people's houses and had a little party at Mom's. Set took the girls around Mom's neighborhood and then Angie and I went to visit a few people we haven't seen in a long time. We had fun and it was fun to dress up. I went as Giselle from Enchanted, Set painted his face just for fun, Laurel was a Flower and Angie was a Teddy Bear. Aedan sneaks in almost all the pictures we take, so he's in this one with us as Spiderman! Boy were those kids happy to get some candy! I tried to sneak away Angie's candy and she would not have it! She wanted to hold a piece in each hand. But luckily her new word for this week in addition to last weeks "bad guys" is "thank you" so she was as charming as ever for all our friends and family who we visited last night.


Julie said...

It sounds like you guys had fun. You all look great. I wish we could have been there to celebrate with you guys.

Erin said...

If there ever was a perfect costume for you then that would be it. You are soooooo beautiful. Did you make it? If so can I borrow the pattern? If not where did you buy it? OHHHH, that is my favorite dress that she wears in the entire movie. Love you girly!

PamNoyes said...

That costume is awesome! You could have been a stand in for the film!

The Powells said...

loved your costumes

soybeanlover said...

I can't believe how big Laurel is! Wow! She has grown so much.